Wreaths Across America Wreath Laying Ceremony set for Dec. 18

(Photo from Facebook)

MONTEVALLO, Ala. – The Support Committee for the Alabama National Cemetery is holding their 13th Annual Wreaths Across America Wreath Laying Ceremony at Alabama National Cemetery (ALNC) on Saturday, December 18 from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. For the last 12 years, live Maine Balsam Wreaths are placed on each veteran’s grave. This would not be possible without the support of donors. The cost of each wreath is $15.

Family members of those buried at ALNC, as well as donors and volunteers, lay the wreaths at the ceremony. For those wishing to donate in memory or honor of a loved one or friend, donations and requests must be turned in no later than November 30 to be included on Memorial Boards displayed at the ceremony. To donate, visit the https://scalnc.org/programs-at-alnc and scroll down to “Donate to Wreaths Across America.”

Janice Rogers of Fox 6 News will serve as the Master of Ceremonies, with special music by Rob Robinson, and ceremonial wreath laying for all branches of service. The ceremony will be followed by ALNC family members graveside wreath laying, then volunteers laying remaining wreaths. The Support Committee for the Alabama National Cemetery is committed to honoring the fallen by placing a wreath on each military service grave at ALNC in remembrance and honor of those who sacrificed so much to protect our freedom and way of life. The Support Committee thanks its generous donors, as well as other fundraising groups including the Blue Star Salute Foundation and the Civil Air Patrol.

Volunteers are coordinated by the Support Committee through registration. For volunteer information, contact the committee at: supportcommitteealnc@gmail.com.

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