‘A sticky situation’

West Elementary PTA spring fundraiser ends with a fun surprise

(Photos courtesy of Cullman City Schools)

 CULLMAN, Ala. – The PTA Spring Fundraiser paid off with a silly surprise for some students at West Elementary School last week. Several students at West Elementary who met their goal of selling at least two boxes of chocolate bars as part of the annual PTA fundraiser got a chance to duct tape Principal Jay Page to a wall and spray him with silly string 

The festivity was part of the school’s Spring Fling days, which is a late year celebration across the school. Each grade level has a day to celebrate a successful year. The school has held two days so far, and three more grade levels will be celebrated at the end of this week. “I am very proud of our students, faculty and staff for all that they have done to make this school year successful,” Page said. “It has truly been a team effort.”