ADPH: Vaccine appointments full, waiting list begins


MONTGOMERY, Ala. – The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) on Wednesday said there are no more appointments available at county health departments for COVID-19 vaccinations. It said callers will now be placed on a waiting list.

Read the full statement below.

The ADPH is aware that the COVID-19 Vaccine Hotline is experiencing difficulties. Staff continues working to expand vaccine scheduling capabilities at the call center. At present there are no more appointments available at county health departments, but the call center will take your contact information and add it to a waiting list. Callers will be contacted as soon as more appointments are available.

The demand for COVID-19 vaccine continues to exceed supply as there are more than 326,000 health care workers and nearly 350,000 people in Alabama who qualify for a vaccine because they are 75 years old and older. Hotline personnel are working to schedule persons in the 75-plus age group, law enforcement officers and firefighters for immunization appointments beginning Jan. 18.

COVID-19 Vaccine Scheduling Hotline 1-855-566-5333

The hotline is for healthcare workers, people 75 years or older, and first responders, including law enforcement and firefighters to schedule an appointment for a free COVID-19 vaccination at local health departments. Telephone calls are answered from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. seven days a week. Specific information, such as what to bring and what to wear, will be provided when appointments are made. Appointments are made first come, first serve for persons within the targeted priority groups.

The COVID-19 Vaccine Scheduling Hotline received over 1.1 million calls in the first day of being open to the public. Please do not call the appointment line if you do not qualify to schedule a vaccine at this time. Due to the overwhelming number of calls, our target population cannot get through to schedule their appointments.

Please do not call your local hospital directly to set up appointments to receive your COVID-19 vaccine. Hospital switchboards are being overwhelmed with phone calls, which is creating an obstacle to patient care. Hospitals throughout Alabama are providing care to both COVID-19 patients as well as responding to all other medical needs of our citizens. Hospitals are working to make sure their frontline workers are vaccinated. If hospitals decide to provide additional vaccine outside their institutions, ADPH will coordinate with them to provide updated information. Updated information will be provided as other locations have vaccine available for additional groups.

Due to the massive call volume, callers to the COVID-19 Vaccine Scheduling Hotline are encouraged to try their call again later if they get a busy signal. We are rapidly adding staff to assist callers to the scheduling hotline. We appreciate your patience. Additional information will be provided as more vaccine is available and new groups can schedule their COVID-19 vaccine.

If you would like general information about COVID-19, the COVID-19 Information Hotline continues to be available at 1-800-270-7268 for general questions.

View the ADPH’s COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation Plan at