Wallace State seeking artists for digital showcase


HANCEVILLE, Ala. – Minnesota’s Hennepin Technical College and Wallace State Community College have teamed up to host collaborative multimedia online showcase of community artworks titled “Streaming Identity.” In the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd, both colleges began working in partnership to help their campus communities create a dialog concerning racial justice, healing and inclusion. This multimedia art exhibit explores the diversity and intersectionality of identities across cultural, digital and regional boundaries. 

WSCC is seeking participates to submit artwork for this showcase. Artists should create and submit portraits and/or self-portraits that they feel are representations of the many individual characteristics and ideas that combine to create their distinctive identity. These portraits can be made from several mediums, from photography, computer graphics, audio & video, drawing, painting, collage and poetry. 

Participation is open to all WSCC students and employees, alumni, and community members in the institution’s service area.  Each artist may submit a total of two entries from any of the media categories listed above. Only original works of art will be accepted.  Exhibit organizers reserve the right to curate entries based on compliance with all published college and system rules, regulations, policies and procedures.

All image files must be saved and submitted as PNG file format with a file size not to exceed 3.0 MB. Image files should be resized so that the horizontal or width pixel dimension are at least 1920 pixels. Video file lengths and formats: MP4 file format with resolution of 1280×720, H.264 codec. Audio file lengths and formats: MP3 with 192 KBPS. 

All submitted files must be labeled in the following format: NAME_IMAGE TITLE_MEDIA_SCHOOL_DATE

Streaming Identity will hold a showcase during fall 2020 and spring 2021. The deadline to submit for fall 2020 entry is Oct. 30 and Dec. 11 for spring 2021.

For information or questions about the exhibit or file submission, contact Adrian Scott, art faculty at 256-352-8145 or adrian.scott@wallacestate.edu.