Cullman Forestry Planning Committee plant sale Feb. 20

Annabelle Hydrangea (Cullman County Extension)

The annual Cullman Forestry Planning Committee plant sale will take place Thursday, Feb. 20 at the North Alabama Agriplex, 1714 Tally Ho St. SW (across from the Cullman Bowling Center). The sale will begin at 8 a.m. and will last until the plants are gone or until noon (whichever comes first).

There will be a nice selection of landscape trees, small ornamental trees and flowering shrubs for $2 each. They are all seedling bare root plants, which are easy to transplant.   Come early for the best selection.  We will have the largest selection we have ever had, consisting of about 40 species of plants.

To learn more about what plants will be on sale, contact the Cullman County Extension office ( and we will email you a plant list.  Also, on the day prior to the plant sale, County Agent Tony Glover will do a lunch-and-learn (no cost to attend, but bring your own lunch) showing and providing information on all the plants that we will have available at the plant sale the next day.  The lunch-and-learn will be from noon-1 p.m. Feb. 19 at the North Alabama Agriplex.

All sale proceeds above expenses will go toward the Forestry Awareness Week Now (FAWN) school program for sixth graders from participating schools and the FFA Forestry Judging contest.

For more information on the plant sale, contact the Cullman County Soil & Water Conservation District at 256-734-1431 (Kathy) or the Cullman County Extension office at 256-737-9386 (Tony).