A frighteningly good time: CPD Trunk or Treat draws huge crowd

Cullman Police Department Chief Kenny Culpepper discusses matters of tactical importance with Assistant Chief Fred Flintstone (aka Craig Montgomery) along Candy Row Tuesday evening. (W.C. Mann for The Cullman Tribune)

CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman Police Department (CPD), with the help of sponsor Merchants Bank, turned its parking lot and front lawn into a creepy (in a fun way!) theme park Tuesday evening for its annual Trunk or Treat party, seeing what might have been the biggest crowd ever. Candy hunters of all ages entered through a brand new scary clown head gateway built by Damon Monk and painted by Lanette Easterwood, then hit the sugar trail around the parking lot before going for a little play time in the yard, all to a soundtrack provided by DJ Jammin’ Jeff. Cullman Fire Rescue and the Creeper Bus came for a visit, and CPD Aviation’s Jet Ranger helicopter made for great photo ops on the lawn.

After the gates opened at 5 p.m., officers reported to The Tribune that the department had gone overboard with candy purchases to supplement generous donations.

Investigator and resident mad scientist Sgt. Adam Clark told The Tribune, “Each year it grows and grows and grows. We have to buy more and more candy; now, we get to buy the pallets!”

An hour later, though, officers were making emergency runs to local convenience and department stores to keep up with the demand of a line of visitors which, at times, threatened to reach from police headquarters to Depot Park.

A face-to-face encounter with the police is something some people would rather avoid. CPD’s Trunk or Treat offers the department’s officers an opportunity to interact with the community in a low-stress and happy way.

“This is one of our outreaches to the community,” said Chief Kenny Culpepper. “You know, we do ‘Coffee with a Cop’ and we do ‘Shop with a Cop.’ Now we do Trunk or Treat, and this is one of our favorites. Everybody really gets into it and has a really good time decorating and getting ready for it. It’s just been great.”

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A creepy new entrance did not seem to deter any of the candy hunters who lined up for their turns. (W.C. Mann for The Cullman Tribune)

W.C. Mann
