St. Bernard students inducted into National Honor Society


Front row (l-r):  Jay Kim, Caleb Norman, Daniel Campos, Justin Anders, Samantha Stefani and Sara Barck;  second row (l-r): David DeJesus, Liz Medina, Alex Lewis, Anna Guthery, Kathleen George, Jackelyn Arteaga, Marianee Pichardo and Isabella Warden; third row (l-r):  Eliajah Loyd, Chloe Tombo and Connor Berry;  back row (l-r):  John-David Grey, Druss Hays, Nik Borths, Francis Mami, Olivia Brown, Joseph Arriaga and James Schomburg (St. Bernard)

CULLMAN, Ala. – The St. Bernard community and a host of parents gathered in the Abbey Church on Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2019 to celebrate Mass and induct 24 students into the National Honor Society.  

The National Honor Society is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students on the basis of scholarship (at least 90 average), leadership, service and character.

Addressing those in attendance, St. Bernard Headmaster, Fr. Linus Klucarits, OSB  said,  “Greeks and Romans  wore laurels and were told to rest on their laurels.  This is not what National Honor Society is about.  I encourage each of you to look forward to doing and serving more.”

Elliot Deep, president of the National Honor Society, presided over the ceremony.  Other officers presented one of the four qualities for NHS membership:  Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Character.

Faculty sponsor Joseph Bond said the NHS officers were faced with the daunting task of making a brief formal speech before a large audience. 

“They did an excellent job!  We wish to congratulate and welcome each of our new members,” said Bond.