Night Rides at Stony Lonesome OHV Park Begin Saturday

Kassy Ashley
We want to provide the best possible riding experience money can pay for.”
Tyler Lindsey, Stony Lonesome OHV Park Manager

BREMEN – This Saturday, May 23, Stony Lonesome OHV Park will have its latest installment in a long running program that gives riders of off-road vehicles an opportunity to have fun after the park normally closes. The Night Ride will begin at 6 p.m. and will continue until 11 p.m.     

“It’s a totally different park after dark,” said Customer Service Representative for the park Kassy Ashley.

“For people who ride in the park all the time during normal hours, they come out for the night ride and it’s like they’ve never been on these trails before,” she continued. The Night Rides began three years ago, and started from a customer suggestion.     

“We had people coming in and saying, ‘Hey, all these other parks are doing this,’ so the park took the suggestion of the customers,” said current Park Manager Tyler Lindsey.

“We really pride ourselves on providing the best possible riding experience for customers,” Lindsey added.    

Lindsey said that there are very few OHV parks in this region of the Southeast, and Stony Lonesome serves a wide range of customers, most of which, he said, are out-of-towners, “I’d say up to 70 percent are probably from out of the county. Maybe even 80 percent.”

Not only are there not many public riding spaces around, and zero south of Stony Lonesome, but there are few that show the concern and attention to their customers as Stony Lonesome.         

“We could be open for 24-hours like several of the parks are, but we insist on having plenty of workers out there with the riders helping anyone who gets stuck or anything like that,” Lindsey said.

“Our goal is to please the people. We want to provide the best possible riding experience money can pay for.”    

Along with having the Night Ride, which happens once and sometimes twice a month during the summer, Stony Lonesome has a campground.

The Night Rides are becoming more and more popular. During the last Night Ride, the park recorded a record 787 visitors in one night.

As far as expanding or advertising the park, Tyler Lindsey is building the park’s reputation so it can speak for itself. 

“Most of the stuff we do is based on customer response,” Lindsey said. “We take a lot of pride in taking care of people.” 

In his first full year as the park manager at Stony Lonesome OHV Park he has set an attendance record and has built a quality reputation throughout the Southeast. 

The prices for riding at the park are $10 for normal hours, $15 to ride at night, and $20 to ride during the day and night. 

No vehicles are turned away, according to Lindsey, and the only caveat is that the vehicles have fully functioning headlights and taillights.