Good Hope student featured in 2018 Farm-City calendars

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Cullman County’s Carson Smith received an honorable mention in the 2016 Alabama Farm-City Poster Contest during the organization’s annual luncheon and awards program in Birmingham April 6. Smith, who lives in Cullman, is a sixth-grader at Good Hope Middle School in Cullman. From left are the Alabama Farmers Cooperative’s Jim Allen, Smith and Alabama Farm-City Chairman Jeff Helms.

MONTGOMERY – The artwork of local student Carson Smith will be featured in the 2018 Alabama Farm-City calendar, which is now available for pre-order.

Smith of Good Hope Middle School in Cullman County won honorable mention in the poster contest. Each month includes students’ artwork depicting the 2016 Farm-City theme – Agriculture: Stewards of a Healthy Planet. The calendar also includes first place essays and a link to the first-place multimedia presentation based on the theme.

“Students work hard every year to earn recognition as a state winner in the Farm-City poster, essay and multimedia contests,” said Jeff Helms, Alabama Farm-City Committee chairman. “This calendar is a lasting way to promote the creative ways they show the importance of farming.”

Calendars are $1.25 each, with a minimum order of 10 calendars. Deadline for orders is Aug. 31.

Click here for the order form and more details.

Click here for additional photos from the Alabama Farm-City awards luncheon earlier this year.

Farm-City week is celebrated annually starting the Friday before Thanksgiving. Students are encouraged to participate in county poster, essay and multimedia contests for a chance to move on to the state competition. For more information, visit