Holly Pond Town Council talks infrastructure

W.C. Mann

Holly Pond Mayor Bill Oliver and Town Attorney Dan Willingham

HOLLY POND – The Holly Pond Town Council met Monday evening, with infrastructure on the agenda: roads, town boundaries, water and sewers.

Streets Committee Chair Councilwoman Carla Hart brought a motion to have Wesley Avenue striped from Highway 278 to the town limit, as several motorists have reported having trouble seeing the edges of the road at night.  That motion passed.

Hart also noted that town limit signs are missing, leading to a lengthy discussion about just where the limits are.  Town Attorney Dan Willingham presented a recent map showing currently known in-town and annexed properties.  He admitted that the map could be incomplete, and discussion was tabled for more study.

Public Safety Chair Councilman Paul Brown reported that the town’s ISO rating has dropped from 7 to 5.  As lower scores are better, this is good news that could result in lower homeowners’ insurance rates for town residents.

Parks and Recreation Chair Councilwoman Michelle Bell reported the 155 kids are currently enrolled in spring ball programs, and she commended town workers for repairs to lights at the town’s ball fields.

Mayor Bill Oliver reported that one of two pumps is out at the town’s water plant, and that the price quote on replacement parts was double what was expected.  The council took no action, but the report led to a discussion of other water-related issues.  Willingham recommended that the council adopt a comprehensive ordinance to cover sewers, drainage and water treatment.  Oliver asked Willingham to bring more information.

The mayor then gave an additional report on roads, saying that town workers have surveyed area roads to be prepared to move swiftly after potential infrastructure funding that might become available from the federal government.  He singled out Turkey Hop Road as possibly the worst road in the area, noting that repair estimates on that road run from $15,000 to $30,000; no repairs are currently planned.

Alan Murphy of the Holly Pond Library Board brought a request that the council approve extended hours for the library, to make it a full-time facility.  If approved, the hours will be 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, and 8 a.m.-noon on Saturday.  The council agreed to consider the matter, but no action was taken.

Oliver then brought a request that the May 1 council meeting be moved to Tuesday, May 2, so as not to conflict with children’s activities taking place at the library on the regular meeting day.  The council informally agreed.

Lastly, the council voted to extend the hours for city maintenance man Rodney Hays by 5 hours during the summer months, to allow for extra maintenance work around town.  The extension will take effect at the end of the school year, since Hays drives a Holly Pond school bus until then.

The Holly Pond Town Council meets the first Monday evening of each month, at 7 p.m. in the Guy Hunt Library conference room.  The public is invited to attend.


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