Bicentennial kickoff set for March 3


CULLMAN – Plans for the upcoming Alabama 200, three-year bicentennial celebration are taking shape.

The statewide kickoff for the event is March 3, 2017, when towns and cities all over the state will initiate the event in various ways. Cullman’s event will be held at 2 p.m. at the old railroad depot, catty-corner from the Cullman County Museum. According to Bicentennial Celebration Chairman for Cullman County, Drew Green, Col. Cullmann will be the master of ceremonies for the event, sharing the spotlight with Mayor Woody Jacobs and Cullman County Commission Chairman Kenneth Walker.

“This is a celebration for the whole county,” said Green, “The Wallace State Jazz Band will play, and the fifth graders of West Elementary School will be singing the Alabama state song wearing red T-shirts with the Alabama 200 logo.”

There will be cake and refreshments for those who attend.

March 3 was chosen because it is the 200th anniversary of Alabama becoming a territory. “Gov. Bentley will make this announcement on the Capitol steps in Montgomery that day,” said Green. “We chose the Depot because the train tracks through the wilderness brought our founder, Col. Cullmann, to the area.”

“John Cullmann was an agent for the railroad and responsible for bringing a large number of German immigrants to here,” Green pointed out. 

The state Alabama Bicentennial Commission meeting will be at the Cullman County Museum on Feb. 24. Sen. Arthur Orr, R-Decatur and various state and local leaders will be present. 

The Alabama Museums Association Annual Conference will be in Cullman March 5-7. Green will be leading a historic walking tour for those attendees who are interested. “We are also having a "rolling dinner" with dessert hosted by and served at the Cullman County Museum,” he said.

“The rolling dinner for the attendees of the Alabama Museum Association Annual Conference will be Monday March 6,” said Green. “It will begin with a pre-dinner reception at Southern Accents Architectural Antiques, then a walk around the corner to the All Steak Restaurant, where everyone will get to try their famous orange rolls and discover why they are on a list of 100 places to eat in Alabama before you die. Following the dinner at the All Steak, guests will enjoy the short walk down the street where they will be welcomed to the Cullman County Museum for desert in a replica of John Cullmann's home, where they will learn about Cullman's unique German heritage.”

For more information about the bicentennial, visit or call the Cullman County Museum at 256-739-1258.

The site will feature weekly/daily announcements about what was going on in Alabama each week/date 200 years ago. 



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