Colony Town Council now complete

W.C. Mann

The Colony Town Council members are (front) Julian Fields, (center) Jamelle Dimbo, (back, l-r) Mayor Donnis Leeth, Tam Malcolm, Myra Twitty and Curtis Johnson.

COLONY – Council members couldn't say when the town last had a full town council, but it has one now.  At their regular meeting Tuesday evening, the council unanimously voted to appoint local residents to fill two long-vacant seats:

  • Seat 2 (Streets and Drainage) – Julian Fields
  • Seat 3 (Police and Fire) – Tam Malcom

This brings the council to its full number of five council members plus the mayor.

The meeting opened with all current members present, along with both of the proposed appointees.  The minutes of the last meeting were approved without discussion, then business moved to committee reports.

Reporting for the Finance Committee, Councilwoman Jamelle Dimbo said that she expects to be able to present a tentative town budget in January, and that the town will renew its annual membership in PALS (People Against a Littered State) and the Arbor Day Foundation.  She has also ordered Labor Law posters for town facilities.

Reporting for the Parks and Recreation Committee, Councilman Curtis Johnson stated that the town gym and the game room at the Colony Educational Complex are almost ready to be opened for community use during the Christmas school break.  He also reported that a new stove is being purchased for the kitchen at the Educational Complex.

No other reports were brought.  Nor were any responses made to calls for petitions, appeals, applications or complaints.

Under resolutions, the council appointments took place. Johnson moved to appoint Julian Fields, and Dimbo moved to appoint Tam Malcom; both were unanimously approved.

Dimbo brought two other motions, both of which passed:

  1. To allow the mayor and council members reimbursement for mileage when driving on town business.
  2. To open the game room at the Educational Complex on a trial basis with flexible hours, starting on Dec. 19.

There being no other business, the meeting adjourned.  Following the adjournment, both new council members were sworn in by Colony Town Clerk Patricia Ponder.


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