City of Good Hope approves 2016/17 budget, 3 percent raises

Andrew Cryer

Photo: Councilman John Harris and Mayor Jerry Bartlett

GOOD HOPE – On Monday evening, the Good Hope City Council met for a regular meeting, with the main item on the agenda being to pass the budget for the 2016/2017 fiscal year.

Councilman John Harris brought up the issue of road repairs and road work that would be needed in the following fiscal year. Referring to the road crew, Mayor Jerry Bartlett stated, “They put us off, but we’re the first on the list when they come back to Cullman County next April or May.” Roads mentioned needing repairs include Reid Road, Lyndsey Road and Allred Road. Bartlett says that funding for various road patching projects will be included in the budget.

Councilman Maxie Jones shifted the discussion to “Welcome to the City of Good Hope” signs that he wishes to see erected at various locations where one enters the city limits of Good Hope, like the City of Cullman did earlier this year. Bartlett says he is in favor of the idea of having signs, but questioned the logistics of getting proper approval from property owners for the City to put the signs on their land, and mentioned that Holly Pond had to take down their signs due to requirements that the signs had to be a required distance from the road.

Two representatives from Living Water Services, LLC, Grady Parsons and Berrie Livingston, were present at the meeting to bring attention to their upcoming Career Awareness Fair to, “attract younger people,” said Parsons, jokingly, “because the majority of people in his field are starting to look like me.” Those who wish to learn more should call 205-985-2119.

After much deliberation, the budget for the 2016-2017 fiscal year was passed with the addition of payments to Cullman EMA, North Alabama Agriplex, and Cullman County Soil and Water Conservation District in the amounts of $1,500, $1,471.60 and $1,000, respectively.

The city hired a new employee, Chris Bentley, and the budget includes a 3 percent cost-of-living raise. Said Bartlett, “Approving the raise shows our appreciation to the employees who choose to stay with the City.” 


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