March 20-26 is National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week


MONTGOMERY, Ala. – The Alabama Department of Mental Health (ADMH) celebrates and supports the annual National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (NDAFW), along with the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). The weeklong observance held March 20-26, inspires dialog about the science of drug use and addiction among youth. It provides an opportunity to bring together students, educators, mental and physical health care providers and community partners to help address youth drug and alcohol use in communities and nationwide.

During the week, youth participate in programs host by community providers to ask questions and speak openly about drugs and alcohol. “National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week offers prevention partners and providers around the state, the space and time to share crucial information with teens who ask questions and can give direct responses,” said ADMH Director of Prevention Beverly Johnson.

ADMH has 23 Certified Prevention Providers that offer prevention activities aligned with the Centers for Substance Abuse and Prevention strategies including Alternative, Community Based Process, Education, Environmental, Information Dissemination and Problem Identification and Referral. Through these strategies, providers implement and participate in prescription drug takeback events, health fairs, media campaigns and various other national observance activities.

Highlighted area for online publication only DELETE THESE SENTENCE BEFORE PUBLISHING, PLEASE. ADMH’s Office of Prevention will host the following activities during NDAW:

Tuesday, March 21
Topic: Marijuana
Fact Sheet: Risk Factors and Protective Factors for Substance Use: Marijuana

Wednesday, March 22
Topic: Underage Drinking and Alcohol Use
Facts Sheet Comorbidities: Mental Disorders and Substance Use Disorders: Alcohol
Word Search

Thursday, March 23
Topic: Opioids
Fact Sheet: Reducing Stigma: Opioids

Friday, March 24
Topic: Promoting Positive Minds: Self-awareness and promote strategies for supporting positive mental and emotional health
Breathing Exercises with Guided Meditation | 5 Minutes |