Cullman City Council honors Shawn Crider

Left to right are Cullman Mayor Woody Jacobs, Shawn Crider’s son Austin Crider and daughter-in-law Willie Crider, and Shawn Crider’s sister-in-law Wendy Crider and brother Tony Crider. (Amy Leonard for The Cullman Tribune)

CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman City Council convened Monday, Jan. 9, in the Lucille N. Galin Municipal Auditorium at city hall where it recognized the contributions of community leader Shawn Crider, who passed away unexpectedly Dec. 30 at the age of 56.    

The proclamation in Crider’s honor read: 


Honoring the Life and Service of Industrial Development Board Member Shawn Crider 

WHEREAS, the people of Cullman were shocked and grieved to learn of the sudden and untimely death of Shawn Crider on December 30, 2022; and, 

WHEREAS, Shawn was appointed to serve on the City of Cullman Industrial Development Board in November 2011 and served as a member of that board for eleven years; and, 

WHEREAS, Shawn’s background, experience, knowledge, enthusiasm, devotion to duty, and love of community were integral to the board’s success and to Cullman’s remarkable growth and development; and, 

WHEREAS, in addition to his public service, Shawn was a well-known and successful businessman and a beloved and devoted husband, father, son, brother, uncle, and friend; and, 

WHEREAS, Shawn gained the respect, admiration, highest regards, and affection of all those with whom he came into contact and leaves behind a legacy of love and service that will continue to inspire those who knew and loved him and, also, positively impact our entire community for generations to come. 

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of Cullman, Alabama, on behalf of our citizens, hereby take public and official recognition of the life and service of Shawn Crider and express our gratitude and appreciation for the countless ways in which he was an influence for good in the growth and progress of our community throughout his life. 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be spread upon the permanent minutes of the Cullman City Council and that a copy of same be presented to the family of Shawn Crider along with our deepest and sincerest condolences. 

Southeast city of Cullman resident John Hamrick asked the council how he could get updates on the hotly debated new subdivision development along Old Hanceville Highway near King Edward Street. City Attorney Roy Williams referred Hamrick to the Building Department for information on the development’s plans.  

“Do y’all get involved in how this is financed,” Hamrick asked next. “Y’all don’t do any kind of accounting or check and see where their money’s coming from?” 

Council President Jenny Folsom explained that the City does not investigate financing on private property, to which Hamrick said, “So their financing would be private. There’s no way we could get any information as to which bank they’re using or any of that?” 

Williams responded that the City does not look into the banking information of owners of private property. 

In other business, the council: 

  • Held a public hearing for Ordinance 2023-09 to rezone Lot 2 of Bark-ley Plumbing Contractors property located on the corner of Bolte Road and Old Hanceville Highway from M-2 Manufacturing to B-2 Business District which received a favorable recommendation from the Planning Commission 
  • Set a public hearing on Feb. 13, 2023, 7 p.m. for Resolution 2023-17 for the vacation and surplus of a portion of 12th Way Northwest and 12th Street Northwest, which is no longer needed for public or municipal purposes 
  • Approved a special event request from Joyce Nix of St. Bernard School for the annual Bloomin’ Festival held at St. Bernard Preparatory School April 22-23, 2023 
  • Approved Resolution 2023-12 to adopt a new Cullman City Council Meeting schedule for CY2023 
  • Approved Resolution 2023-13 to award a bid to paint the museum to the lowest responsible bidder, Serrano Painting 
  • Approved Resolution 2023-14 to award a bid to Powe General Contracting LLC for Streetscape Improvements along Second Avenue Northeast from Arnold Street to Clark Street Northeast 
  • Approved Resolution 2023-15 to enter into contract with Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood for FY2023 FAA Airport Terminal Apron Rehabilitation 
  • Approved Resolution 2023-16 to enter into a contract with Cohen, Carnaggio and Reynolds for supplemental design on the Cullman Civic Complex 
  • Approved Ordinance 2023-09 to rezone Lot 2 of Bark-ley Plumbing Contractors property located on the corner of Bolte Road and Old Hanceville Highway from M-2 Manufacturing to B-2 Business District 
  • Approved Ordinance 2023-13 to authorize the issuance of general obligation warrant Series 2023-CWSRF-DL 
  • Approved Resolution 2023-18 to submit a grant applications for improvements and resurfacing on a portion of County Road 222 
  • Approve Resolution No. 2023-19 to enter into a contract with CDG for CEI services related to the improvements on Second Avenue Northeast 

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