Cullman’s Bradley Williams to cast vote at Republican National Convention

Bradley Williams

CULLMAN – Bradley Williams is a member of local law enforcement, and he’s also a delegate for presidential hopeful Donald J. Trump in the upcoming Republican National Convention in Cleveland.          

As an elected Trump delegate, Williams will attend the convention as a representative of the voters of Alabama District 4, who overwhelmingly voted for Trump in Alabama’s primary election. On behalf of those voters, Williams will cast his vote for Trump to win the official GOP presidential nomination.          

“I have been a fan of Trump for a while,” Williams said. “I watched his show and read some of his books.” Williams explained that he only began contemplating Trump as a potential presidential candidate during the run up to this current election cycle, around last October.          

“He is an intriguing guy, and I was interested in him as a candidate,” Williams said. “So I looked into more of what he stood for and what he was saying and that is when I knew I supported him as a person who I would want to be our president.”          

Williams hopes that the GOP convention will be a place where members of the party, and especially the ‘elite GOP members,’ according to Williams, rally around Trump and support him during the general election, rather than try to pry the nomination away from Trump.          

“I think that if the elitists would focus as much on defeating Hillary Clinton as much as they are trying to take the, you know, nomination away from Trump, the Republican party will be much more successful,” he said.          

The upcoming general election is anticipated to be one of the nastier matchups in recent history, with both sides willing to do and say anything to get an upper-hand at an almost unprecedented level. But Williams said that this is almost a necessary evil.          

“Everyone falls into the trap of negative politics, even though nobody likes it. We all fall into the trap about talking about negative ads we see on television,” he said.          

Overall, Williams said Trump will galvanize the GOP votership because he is an exciting candidate – raising somewhat of a comparison between what Obama was for Democrats in 2008 to Donald Trump in 2016.          

“The difference between Donald Trump and the former Republican nominees of Romney and McCain is that people are more excited to vote for Trump. Romney and McCain were boring – Trump is anything if boring,” Williams said.          

Williams also said that he believes Trump will win over voters on popular issues such as trade, immigration, jobs and terrorism.          

“Areas in the Rust Belt that have previously voted for the Democratic nominee are experiencing a loss in jobs and Trump will fix that, so those states he will win over with his plan,” he said.                      

“I don’t take this opportunity to represent our state lightly,” Williams said. “I am thankful and humble.”