West Point Town Council meets, signs Air Evac agreement

Sharon Schuler Kreps

Photo: LaTere Jones from Air Evac answers questions from the town council about insurance policies for West Point residents on Monday night.


WEST POINT – A regular West Point Town Council meeting was held on Monday night at the West Point Town Hall at 6:00 p.m.

After the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance, the council jumped right into a lengthy discussion with LaTere Jones, Air Evac sales manager, concerning the Air Evac insurance policies for the Town of West Point and its residents. After the question and answer session was over the council voted and approved the purchase of said insurance.

Agreed upon were:

Covered Individuals and Transports: Any individual who resides within the boundaries of the Town of West Point, AL when transported for medical necessity by Air Evac Lifeteam (or any AirMedCare Network Provider) will be covered under the standard terms and conditions for an AirMedCare Network, except:

Transport must be: From a pickup location in Cullman County, AL;
If the covered person transported is uninsured at the time of transport, Air Evac Lifeteam will bill the covered person at the “Medicare Allowable Rate” for the transport.

Fees: The Town of West Point, AL will pay to AirMedCare Network a total of $2,995 annually.

Upgrade Benefit to Covered Individuals: Any individual who resides within the boundaries of the Town of West Point, AL may elect to obtain a full household membership (which waives T&C exemptions listed above and include coverage outside the herein listed service area) for an additional $35 per year.

Duration: This agreement will be effective upon AirMedCare Network’s receipt of (a) this agreement signed by the participating organization on or before July 29, 2016 AND (b) payment for the amount as provided above. This agreement will be effective for one (1) year, and will be evaluated by both parties for renewal at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the one (1) year term.

In other business, Mayor Kenneth Kilgo shared that after getting the specifications for the concrete pad for the Storm Shelter No. 2, it was determined that Safety Shelter will indeed be more cost-effective. The company will pour the concrete pad as soon as they can so the shelter can be built soon after.

About the Alabama Highway 157 turn lane project, Kilgo said that the State needs more specifications, and that the holdup is between ALDOT and the developer. The town is hoping to secure the turn lane to attract developers off Highway 157.

Sewer dumping has become an issue in West Point. Because some of the area businesses with septic dumping services that pump septic tanks have been backing up to man holes and dumping to save themselves a dumping fee, the council approved a motion to tack weld the two manhole covers in West Point to prevent this from happening again.

The mayor encouraged council members to remember to check with the State Surplus Store in Eva when looking for items to save a considerable amount of money. Earlier this year, the state gave its approval for the store to remain in Eva.

Town Clerk Joann Jones will be attending a Municipal Elections training session in Huntsville on Tuesday, May 17.

Town Attorney Dan Willingham reported that he is working on a “no dumping” ordinance and is also writing a “reason to annex” letter adding the Air Evac information.

Park Maintenance Director Wesley Laney asked the council for a couple of sets of handrails for the park, which were approved. Also discussed were the need for more gravel and a second pavilion at the park. The mayor asked that Laney get him an estimate of the cost.

The West Point Town Council Meeting was adjourned.

The West Point Town Council meets on the third Monday of each month at 6 p.m. at West Point Town Hall. Meetings are open to the public.