News from the Pond with Jimmie Dean Carnell


Photo: The Holly Pond Lions Club completed their work on the Veterans Memorial at the Holly Pond Cemetery just in time for First Sunday in May Decoration Day. They have added a beautiful iron fence and mulched the area to set it off. 

HOLLY POND – Good Morning Tribune readers and families.  Hope that you have had a good week. It has been a busy week in our community. Several families have been getting ready for Homecoming and Decoration Day services and decorating of the Holly Pond cemetery. This is an annual event at Holly Pond First Baptist Church and Holly Pond Cemetery on the first Sunday in May. Of course, we think it is perfectly beautiful and the Holly Pond Cemetery is the best decorated in the county. On Saturday of Homecoming weekend, Holly Pond Homemakers Club members are stationed at the entrance and gates to accept donations for the upkeep of the cemetery. The Lions Club and other community gentlemen take over these duties on Sunday. Visitors to the cemetery are very generous and this is one of the best fundraisers for our cemetery. 

The Holly Pond Methodist Church held a bake sale at the town hall last Saturday.  I understand it was truly successful and had really good results.  

The Holly Pond Civitan Club held their meeting last Tuesday night in the Guy Hunt Conference Room with several guests in attendance. Bill Oliver, Club president, presided. The invocation was led by Lyndal House.

We served finger foods first before our program for our special guests. They included three of the four students, who were winners in our essay contest. There were four winners this year, due to a tie for third place between Taylor Simmons and Kathleen Whatley.  Second place winner was Lydia Kelso and Elizabeth Miller was the first-place winner.  The essay submitted by Miss Miller was entered in the district competition, where she also was a winner. The girls were accompanied by their families.  Each essay was presented by each winner. Each winner also was awarded a cash prize and certificate for their participation. 

Civitan members attending were: Bill and Sharon Oliver, Walt and Judy Floyd, Paul Brown, Lyndal House, Gladys Wisener, Kay Stewart, Lynn Jetton and Jimmie Dean Carnell.  Additional guest was Terri McIntosh. The club members were reminded that the Relay for Life Survivors’ Breakfast will be this Wednesday, May 4 at the Cullman Church of Christ.  Members were also reminded of this date and their responsibilities for this event.  

The Pilot Club of Cullman held their 24th annual luncheon on April 27, which was Administrative Professionals Day.  The theme this year was “Dancing in the Street” and the event was held at the McGukin Civic Center. Reverend Bob Kurtz, a retired minister from Saint John’s Church, was the emcee, and is still widely known in Cullman. Reverend Bob was also one of the models representing Mr. Hicks Men’s Wear in the fashion show. Door prizes were also awarded, and food was served to those in attendance. A good time was had by all.  

Holly Pond Lions Club will be holding a pancake breakfast on Saturday, May 14. This event is traditionally a very successful fundraising occasion, with proceeds going for upkeep of the Holly Pond Cemetery. It will be held at the Senior Center in Lions Club Park starting at 6 a.m. and continuing until 10 a.m. Our Lions always work very hard and do a great job with this event. 

Hope that everyone has a good week, and please be safe and happy.