National Ag Day Celebrated Throughout County

By: ,
Amber Adams

Photo: Fairview School students filled this pickup truck with more than 1,470 pounds of food for Cullman Caring for Kids as part of the National Ag Day celebration March 15


CULLMAN – The Cullman Farm City committee worked in tandem with the Cullman County Commission and Cullman County Schools Child Nutrition Program (CNP) recently to organize events to celebrate National Ag Day on March 15, 2016.

National Ag Day is a day to recognize and celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture by honoring our local farmers here in Cullman County.  Every year, producers, agricultural associations, schools, universities, corporations and government agencies across America join together to recognize the contributions of agriculture and revel in the importance and significance of farming to all.

Cullman County Commissioners Kerry Watson and Gary Marchman, along with Commission Chairman Kenneth Walker, signed a proclamation for National Ag Day to be honored and celebrated in Cullman.  The proclamation recognized the role that Cullman County farmers play in providing safe, abundant and affordable food for the people of our county and state.  Every American farmer feeds more than 144 people.

Cullman County Schools CNP joined with the Cullman County Farm City committee to host a one-day canned food drive on National Ag Day to benefit Cullman Caring for Kids.  More than 5,200 pounds of food was donated to the Cullman Caring for Kids food bank from Cullman County CNP alone.  Child Nutrition employees also dressed up as farmers on National Ag Day to emphasize to the students that all the food they brought in for the day was provided by a farmer and without farmers we would have no food.

Elementary students enjoyed hearing stories about farming read to them by school administrators, CNP employees and retired teachers.  The day was a tremendous success and was an excellent opportunity to help replenish the Cullman Caring for Kids food bank.  

Thanks to all who took part in this activity and especially to Fairview School Principals Marty Hardman, Trina Walker and Christopher Gambrill.  Fairview Schools collected the most amount of canned goods, more than 1,400 pounds, out of all schools in Cullman County! Congratulations Fairview students & administration!

For more information about Cullman Farm City, visit