Commission declares April as Child Abuse Prevention and Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Commissioner Kerry Watson, Nancy Bryant (Cullman Caring for Kids), Chairman Jeff Clemons, Commissioner Garry Marchman pose with Child Abuse Prevention Proclamation  

 CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman County Commission proclaimed the month of April as Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month. At Tuesday night’s meeting, Nancy Bryant with Cullman Caring for Kids and Charlotte Jones with Victims Services were both present as the proclamations were read.  


The commission also recognized Robert Thompson who is retiring from the Cullman County Road Department after 31 years of service and Kenneth Cobb who is retiring after 10 years with the Cullman County Sanitation Department.  


County Administrator John Bullard and County Engineer Bryan Cheatwood asked the commission to consider creating the “Restore Cullman County Roads Fund” to help in the county’s efforts to improve roads. They proposed moving $2 million into the fund. Bullard explained, “Historically, there’s a public building fund that the money sort of builds up in and at a certain time of year, you can move any additional money. So, that money has been building up over a period of years with the intention of putting it toward roads.” $1.2 million from the public building fund will be moved to the new Restore Cullman County Roads Fund.  


Bullard continued, “The additional $800,000 is from increased revenues over the past few years in the general fund. So what we are doing is we are going to be reducing the cash balance in the general fund, but not below a comfortable level for reserves.” Revenues over the last two years have remained strong over the last two years. The exception being the gas tax during the pandemic.  


“Road funds have really been the ones to take a hit. They were down about 7% last year. This money will help to supplement road funds,” Bullard said. “Bryan (Cheatwood) has been working really hard to put a plan together.” 


The commission approved the request. Chairman Jeff Clemons added, “We know we gotta do better to help the citizens of Cullman County. I appreciate John for sitting down and all of us working this out so that we can move forward with our roads and hopefully, we can make some headway.”  


In other business, the commission approved the following agenda items: 

  • Ratified the City of Cullman abatement for ST Holdings LLC by Cullman County Economic Development Agency in the amount of $1,165,000 
  • Resolution 2021-12: Change the speed limit from 35mph to 25mph on County Road 369 
  • Resolution 2021-13: Authorized Chairman Clemons to execute and submit an application with appropriate assurances to the State of Alabama, Department of Economic and Community Affairs and Office of Program Management, requesting Fiscal Year 2020 Community Block Grant CV Program Grant funds in the amount of $600,000 to address various needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic in Cullman County.  
  • Resolution 2021-14: Adopted 2021 Division F Phase 1 Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan 
  • Authorized payment of attorney fees resulting from claim for $11,500 and for Chairman to sign related documents.  
  • Authorized purchase of easements adjacent to Cullman Regional Airport to maintain existing runway approach. 
  • Authorized Commission to reappoint Gordon Sandlin as Chairman of the Local Emergency Planning Committee for 2021 
  • Authorized Commission to reappoint Phyllis Little as Vice Chairman of the Local Emergency Planning Committee for 2021 
  • Approved Commissioner Watson’s reappointment of Joe Golden to the Joppa Water Board for a 6-year term to expire March 1, 2027 
  • Approved Commissioner Watson’s reappointment of Johnny Duke to the Walter Water Authority for a 6-year term to expire March 1, 2027 
  • Approved moving four accounts (Law Library Fund, Worthless Check Fund, Revenue Discretionary Fund and Contingency Fund) from BBVA Compass to Traditions Bank.  
  • Approved Coroner’s request to appoint Dennis Marty as Deputy Coroner. 
  • Approved amendment to Southern Health Partners agreement increasing to 24hour care on a trial basis through September 30, 2021 at an increased cost of $12,194.20 a month.  
  • Approved contract between Cullman County Commission and Post Panda and authorized Chairman Clemons to sign related documents.  
  • Approve payment in the amount of $18,844 to Smith-Gray Insurance Agency Inc. for premiums due from audit conducted by Travelers Insurance Company from December 1, 2019-December 1, 202 
  • Approved request from the water department to add cellular communication to the fire panel and annual fire inspections for the fire system devices at the Cullman County Water Department. Installation cost $965.35 with a monthly cost of $66.83. 
  • Approved Spring Cleanup for the month of May through the Sanitation Department 
  • Authorized bid for an Environmental Cab Crawler Tractor with blade to be used by the Cullman County Office of the Alabama Forestry.  


The next Cullman County Commission meeting will be Tuesday April 20, 2021 at 6pm in the Commission Meeting Room.  

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