St. Bernard Athletic Boosters to host Swamp John’s in place of annual drawdown

Photo courtesy of St. Bernard Prep School

CULLMAN, Ala. – While the pandemic has hit the pocketbooks of the world, it has also had an effect on the Saint Bernard Athletic Boosters.  The annual Booster Club Drawdown, which is typically held the Saturday before Super Bowl Sunday, has been canceled due to restrictions placed on indoor gatherings because of COVID-19. In its place, the boosters will host a Swamp John’s carry-out dinner Saturday, Feb. 6 from 4-7 p.m.  

Athletic Director William Calvert said the decision was made in December to cancel the 20-year tradition for the 2021 year for the protection of the community. He said he looks forward to its return in 2022. 

“We want to keep that date and invite everyone in our community to support our Saints program and enjoy a good take-out meal,” he said. “Sports programs all over the state have taken a hit as limited spectators can attend events.  This domino effect leads to a decline in admissions, even though sporting officials still have to be paid.”

Plates will cost $12 each and will include a choice of shrimp, chicken, fish or a combination of two. Dessert will be included.

“While the drawdown provides a considerable percentage of our budget, we want our supporters to be safe and be here next year to enjoy the festivities in 2022,” Calvert said. “With spring sports being canceled last year, and the schedule being reduced this year, there has been a reduction in the demands placed on the Boosters. Last year’s drawdown was fantastic and has allowed the sports program to operate at minimal capacity.  The fear is that next year might be a struggle when it’s time to order new uniforms, equipment and other items needed to start the athletic seasons.”  

For Swamp John’s tickets, contact the school at 256-739-6682.  Tickets may also be purchased at the door. For more information about supporting the Saint Bernard Saints, contact Calvert at 256-739-6682.