18th annual Winter Wonderland opens Friday at Sportsman Lake

The 18th annual Winter Wonderland Christmas Light Display at Sportsman Lake Park will be open (weather-permitting) from 5-10 p.m. Nov. 20-22 and 27-29, and Dec. 2-6, 9-13, 16-23 and 26-27 (drive thru-only the 26-27). Dec. 23 will be the last day for the train. (Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune)

CULLMAN, Ala. – The 18th annual Winter Wonderland Christmas Light Display at Sportsman Lake Park will open Friday, Nov. 20 at 5 p.m. and has more light displays than ever before. Guests can enjoy driving through the park, train rides, carriage rides, hot chocolate and pictures with Santa. This will be the first year the display has opened prior to Thanksgiving.

Cullman County Parks and Recreation Director Doug Davenport gave The Cullman Tribune a sneak peek at the park Wednesday evening. He said park employees began work on the Winter Wonderland display in mid-September and are still putting on the finishing touches.

“It was mostly the seven employees here at Sportsman, but when we could, we pulled employees from other parks to help,” he said.

Look for the new train display and the giant “Let it Snow” featured on the backside of the lake. Another new display with a beautiful cardinal greets visitors as they make their way around the lake. The nativity is also a must-see.

“You can drive around as many times as you would like,” said Davenport. “There is so much to see.” 

This year a few things had to be tweaked due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The train has Plexiglass to separate riders. Santa will also be positioned with Plexiglass separating himself from the kids.

Said Davenport, “We’ve done everything we know to do to keep people safe.” 

Admission to the Winter Wonderland is $10 per vehicle. A photo with Santa is $5. Only cash will be accepted. The display will be open (weather-permitting) from 5-10 p.m. Nov. 20-22 and 27-29, and Dec. 2-6, 9-13, 16-23 and 26-27 (drive thru-only the 26-27). Dec. 23 will be the last day for the train.

Sportsman Lake Park is located at 1544 Sportsman Lake Road NW in Cullman.

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Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune
Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune
Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune
Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune
Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune
Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune
Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune
Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune