2020 Municipal Election Candidate Q&A: Sonya Copeland and Jerry Smith, Vinemont Town Council, place 5

Sonya Copeland, left; Jerry Smith, right (contributed; Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune)

SOUTH VINEMONT, Ala. – As the Aug. 25, 2020 Municipal Election approaches, The Tribune is holding Q&A sessions between candidates.

In South Vinemont, one race on the ballot will be for town council, place 5. Sonya Copeland and Jerry Smith are running for the position currently held by mayoral candidate Shirley Arnett. 

Why did you choose to run in the 2020 race?

Copeland: “The stagnate state of South Vinemont. It’s an apparent problem here and I am determined to figure out why. For years, the same people have sat in those positions and have accomplished nothing for South Vinemont.”

Smith: “I chose to run because I am the most qualified person, probably in this town, to serve on the council. With all of my years of service starting with the U.S. Army and then on the boards of DHR and Solid Waste Committee in Cullman County, Jimmy Hale Mission in Birmingham, mentor at Vinemont School, Quarterback Club President at Vinemont School. Just on and on and on that I can go and service my town and my country. That’s one thing I love to do, be of service.”

What would you like to do for South Vinemont in the next four years if elected?

Copeland: “Reevaluate the ordinances. There are several that are irrelevant or outright useless. Cleaning up our community. There is too much trash laying around and it is time someone is held accountable. Unify the town of South Vinemont. I want the community to be more involved and openly communicate any issues or ideas they may have.”

Smith: “I would like to pool a citizens’ action committee to get a group of citizens to study long-range plans to plan things out for the future. I believe with my experience in industry and accounting that planning is much better than just shooting at the hip.”

Are there any specific projects you would like to work on if elected?

Copeland: “New businesses, restaurants and community activities/programs for our youth. Our youth today become our leaders tomorrow. ‘Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6’”

Smith: “We have two things in progress. One is a ballpark and the other is a walking trail, and both of those could use some enhancements. Some pavilions at the walking trail and some further enhancements of tournaments and so forth at the ballpark to generate more revenue for this town.”

Why do you think the people of South Vinemont should vote for you?

Copeland:  “Simply for CHANGE! Do the citizens want to make South Vinemont a better place to live for their children and grandkids? If they answered yes, then that is why they should vote for me.”

Smith: “I am an over 50-year citizen of Vinemont. I love the town and I have a lot invested. My kids went to Vinemont Schools and graduated from Vinemont High School and I just would like to keep on investing in this town making it better and better and better.”

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