Vehicle pursuit ends in wreck

An Air Evac helicopter landed on County Road 222 near the wreck site. (contributed)

Updated 7-24-20 at 4:23 p.m.

CULLMAN, Ala. – A vehicle pursuit that began after a woman allegedly stole a Volkswagen sedan near West Point ended in wreck in a field south of County Road 222 late Thursday evening. The woman, who has not been identified, suffered severe injuries.

Officers from the Cullman Police Department and deputies from the Cullman County Sheriff’s Office pursued the vehicle after the woman fled a traffic stop, flipping multiple times once she entered the field.

The woman was driving the allegedly stolen vehicle south on Alabama Highway 157, then turned right onto St. Joseph Drive NW. That’s where a CPD officer spotted the allegedly stolen vehicle and attempted to initiate a traffic stop and the woman fled. She veered off toward Five Points and turned right behind West Elementary. She made her way to U.S. Highway 278, where she went west toward Interstate 65. Once there, she took the first left, the Exit 308 off ramp, and continued southbound on the northbound shoulder of I-65, at times exceeding 100 mph, before she wrecked in the field just south of Exit 305.

The woman was transported to an area hospital by helicopter.

Alabama State Troopers from the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency are handling the investigation.

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