On a mission: Regulators Military MC, Saving Forgotten Warriors partner to assist veterans

Members of the Regulators Military MC North Alabama Chapter pose for a photo in November 2019. (Picture courtesy of Trent Barron)

CULLMAN, Ala. – Local veterans service nonprofit Saving Forgotten Warriors (SFW) has experienced an eventful last year or so, including establishing a relationship with the Regulators Military Motorcycle Club (MC) North Alabama Chapter. The Tribune spoke with Regulators Military MC North Alabama Chapter President Trent “Old School” Barron and SFW Founder Jeremy Hogan on the relationship between the two organizations.

“Regulators Military MC is a 501 (3)(c) nonprofit organization. We are a motorcycle club with its foundation and roots based on military veterans and giving them the camaraderie they once had while in the military,” said Barron. “Our founders were/are current active duty/retired military personnel. We are a 70/30 club, meaning that our organization is made up of active duty/retired military, first responders and firefighters. We also accept civilians into our organization with the caveat that they are law-abiding citizens. Our goal is to give military personnel and average citizens a way to come together in brotherhood and fellowship in a law-abiding manner and to give back to the communities in which we live and work. We often raise money for various organizations and charities throughout the year.”

So how did the Regulators and SFW come together?

“With our chapter we wanted to find an organization that we could get behind in raising money to benefit the local veterans in our area. SFW was brought to our attention by our chapter’s vice president, Kenneth ‘Happy’ Lind, him being a decorated veteran himself,” said Barron. “After a few talks with SFW and learning of their efforts in what they were doing for the local community and veterans alike, it was a perfect match for us. Jeremy Hogan and myself sat down and decided that our two organizations were a perfect fit for each other.”

Barron is now a board member for SFW.

“Along the way after many talks with SFW Founder Jeremy Hogan we developed a common interest and bond and had similar goals in mind on how to grow and further SFW and get the word out,” he said. “Me, having a background and history in law enforcement, us (Regulators) being a veteran based MC made sense. We had seen similar grounds, been through similar life experience. We are local, veteran based and want to see the veterans that are so often forgotten be taken care of. So, after a two-year friendship, Jeremy felt like I could be beneficial in the growth and development of the future with SFW and asked that I first become an advisor to the board, then a board member. After many meetings it was voted that I join the board on which I now sit.”

He continued, “Each organization is its own entity. Although very aligned in many ways, SFW and Regulators Military MC have separate ways of helping our community and its veterans. Regulators Military MC North will, as long as its existence remains, be a helping hand to SFW and all that they endeavor.”

“The Regulators have been involved with us since last Christmas; they’ve been volunteering,” said Hogan. “Trent reached out to me in 2018 about the Christmas Toy Drive and asked if they could adopt some children and they did, and during the discussion while they dropped off the toys, (we learned) their club is mainly veteran and police, EMS and first responders. So it was kind of just a fitting partnership and they are huge advocates holding events like benefit rides for us. Whenever I come up in a pinch and need somebody to help me out financially, they go around and they’ll raise $1,000 in a heartbeat, you know what I mean? They’re always helping us with our other events, and this year our partnership is going to be a bit more meaningful. With my (veterans) housing plan out here in Logan, I plan on putting a Regulators clubhouse on the property because they’re all veterans and I think the clubhouse being there would help give our veterans an avenue of stress relief. (We’d) also have a group of like-minded individuals to help keep the veterans’ morale up in the right direction. We’ve been very blessed with the partnerships in the motorcycle community. It’s a great partnership, I love having them.”

Barron is also passionate about helping veterans.

“Our veteran crisis we have here at home is a growing problem,” he said. “So many men and women that have sacrificed for our country and its freedoms are being forgotten. SFW and Regulators Military MC North are on a mission to make sure they aren’t forgotten after their service. Making sure their needs and home life are as normal as possible. Raising awareness of the growing homelessness of veterans and their families and making sure that the check they wrote to this country is never forsaken. Their dedication and sacrifices are never forgotten. They are the reason I am able to speak to you today. God bless SFW. God bless Regulators Military MC. God bless this great United States of America.”

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