Destiny Church’s Fred and Janice Rivers

Fred Rivers
God has a plan for our lives. It’s a wonderful plan, to do good to us and to give us hope and a future.”
Fred Rivers, Pastor of Destiny Church

CULLMANDestiny Church's mission is simple; connect people to God's Plan. The church is doing remarkable things for the community, thanks to the guidance of the husband and wife team they are blessed to call pastors.

After serving as Associate Pastors at Agape Church for a few years, Fred and Janice Rivers founded Destiny Church in 2003 and now serve as co-pastors.

The husband and wife team attended high school together in Birmingham and married soon after graduation in 1971. They moved to Cullman in 1981.  

“I had answered the call to preach as a young teenager but drifted away from the Lord after a while,” Pastor Fred said. “Like the prodigal son, I went my own way.”

“The message of the prodigal child in scripture is twofold,” he continued. “First, living life away from God is futile and empty. Secondly, when we return to the Lord, He receives us with open arms, celebrating our reunion with Him,” he smiled. “Janice and I experienced those things and more. The Lord restored our lives and confirmed His call to ministry in early 1990. God is good!”

In January 1993, Fred and Janice moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma to train for ministry. Fred received a Master of Divinity from Oral Roberts University and Janice graduated from Victory Bible Institute. While in Tulsa the two worked as staff pastors at Victory Christian Center, serving Pastors Billy Joe and Sharon Daugherty.

In the spring of 1999 God brought them back to Cullman. On their journey with the Lord, Janice and Fred discovered a powerful truth based upon Jeremiah 29:11.


Our Kingdom Kids rocked it out this morning! Great job!!

Posted by Destiny Church on Sunday, August 30, 2015

“God has a plan for our lives. It’s a wonderful plan, to do good to us and to give us hope and a future,” Fred grinned warmly.

“At Destiny that is the message we proclaim; that God is good, that He loves us and He has a plan for us—regardless of what we have been through. Destiny is an interdenominational charismatic church filled with loving and caring people. Our greatest joy is to see lives restored and hope renewed. God has a plan!”

Pastors Fred and Janice Rivers strive to bring others to the Lord through their ministry at Destiny Church. They continue to do amazing things through their congregation.

Destiny Church is located at 566 County Road 1339, Cullman, AL 35058. For more information call 256-737-9254, e-mail and visit Follow them on Facebook at Follow @FredRRivers and @destinycullman on Twitter.,+Cullman,+AL+35058/@34.21446,-86.8472271,3a,75y,85h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sQcKuJGufqtZu_3IVpUcxWQ!2e0!,-86.847227!7i13312!8i6656!4m2!3m1!1s0x8889cfcc06f605fb:0xb4d791bfb5831ce9!6m1!1e1