Cold Springs’ Maddie Mitchell wins gold at FCCLA National Leadership Conference in Anaheim

Maddie Mitchell (Photo courtesy of Stephanie L. Blair)

BREMEN, Ala. – Members of Cold Springs High School Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) joined more than 8,500 FCCLA student leaders, members and advisers at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California June 28- July 5 for the annual FCCLA National Leadership Conference (NLC).

Cold Springs’ Maddie Mitchell participated in one of 30 family and consumer sciences-related competitive events offered at NLC, including STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) events. These events support foundational, leadership and workplace skills in areas such as advocacy, culinary arts and entrepreneurship.  Competing with more than 5,800 STAR Event participants, Mitchell achieved gold in the “National Programs in Action” category.  Mitchell’s advisor is Stephanie L. Blair from Cold Springs High School. 

While in California, Mitchell and Blair also experienced the 6.4 earthquake that hit southern California on Thursday, July 4. The pair was around 150 miles away from the epicenter, but still felt the earthquake in Anaheim.  

Said Blair, “All of a sudden I felt hot and thought I was going to be sick. I felt like I was swaying back and forth.  In truth, the whole hotel building was swaying.” 

Blair said of the conference: “The conference provided Cold Springs’ students opportunities for listening to inspiring speakers, attending learning sessions, competing on the national level and networking with other leaders. The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Believe in Yourself,’ which inspired attendees to discover the unlimited possibilities within their reach while exploring career opportunities, developing leadership skills and growing personally while making difference in their families and communities. Overall the FCCLA National Leadership (Conference) was a success for Cold Springs High School.”

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