Fairview Council hears fire station concerns

(Maggie Darnell/The Cullman Tribune)

FAIRVIEW, Ala. – Several items were on the Fairview Town Council’s agenda for its July meeting Monday night, and the council began by discussing the senior center.

The council first addressed paving the parking lot at the senior center with asphalt instead of concrete. Mayor Keith Henry estimated the cost for the job to be around $10,000-$14,000 and the council voted to go ahead with the pavement job.

Among the guests for Monday’s meeting were Fairview Volunteer Fire Department Chief Doug Williams and Assistant Chief Dr. Josiah Dailey, who attended the meeting in response to receiving a letter from the council concerning a bus parked behind Station 1, located along Alabama Highway 69. The council has received several complaints about the bus.

Williams told the council the bus is occupied by a volunteer fireman who resides at the department, stating “The bus belongs to a firefighter that is now a full-time resident, if you will, which provides an extreme amount of ability to respond at least 24 hours a day with at least one person with a truck, whether it’s medical or fire. That’s home. He put it there to live in so he could be here all the time. It helps on your insurance rate.” 

Henry asked Williams about the station’s living quarters. Williams said they’re being used for storing medical records and the showers need to be pulled out and redone. Councilman Robert Johnson told Williams that in the original lease agreement between the council and the fire department, the upkeep and maintenance of the living quarters and showers falls to the department.

“Was it not understood in the contract with y’all, that y’all would maintain the building and keep all that stuff updated?” Johnson asked. “I believe it was.”

Henry also noted that every visitor at the meeting, except for Dailey and Williams, was there because of the bus. Williams told the council Fairview’s Fire Station 2 is being remodeled and that when it’s complete, the fireman with the bus will move to Station 2. He said the remodel will allow for the bus to hook up to power and water. To resolve it, the council asked Williams to get an estimate for utility hook-up costs fro the buss at Station 2. Williams said that he’d be able to get an estimate to the council within the next few days.

In other business, three different organizations have requested donations from the council: Good Samaritan Health Clinic, Brooks’ Place and the Cullman County Child Development Center. With Good Samaritan and Brooks’ Place, the council decided to get in contact with representatives from the organizations for more information.

About the CCCDC’s request, Henry said, “We’ll try to get more information on that.”

The Fairview Town Council meets the first Monday of each month at 6 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be Aug. 5.

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