Vinemont family shares Christmas spirit, lights with community


Members of the Parker family in Vinemont pose for a photo. The family will put on The Parker Christmas Light Show for the fourth year in row beginning this Friday. (Maggie Darnell for The Cullman Tribune)

VINEMONT – Inspired by Christmas light displays seen in Birmingham and on television, the Parker family in Vinemont is now in the fourth year of its light show at home, dubbed “The Parker Christmas Light Show.”

It all started with Melissa Parker saying to Chris Parker, “We can do this.”

The Parkers began putting on their display in 2015 for the grandkids in the family. Now, it’s a month-long celebration for the community.

Back then, at the end of the show, there was a bin where folks could donate canned foods that would go to the family’s church, Temple Baptist, for its “Unsheltered” program, which provides food and other items to homeless shelters.  This year, monetary donations will be accepted, because the Parkers are planning to adopt a child from China.

So how do the Parkers plan their light show? They start with deciding what music to use.

“It has to be fast; slow music wouldn’t go with the lights moving,”  said Chris Parker.

All songs chosen, usually five or six, are kid-friendly. The family starts stringing the lights up in October.

“It takes everyone,” they smiled.

This year, the light show will use 64 channels for the synchronization between the lights and music for the show, which starts this Friday, Nov. 30 and will run through Friday, Dec. 28. Hours are 5:15-9 p.m. each night. (Go here for more details:

You can find the Parkers at 531 County Road 1295, Cullman, Alabama 35058.

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