St. Bernard quad getting a facelift


Workers from Kreps Concrete Construction are building the forms to start the walkway process.

CULLMAN – Saint Bernard has undertaken a major project during the 2018 summer months: the restoration of the central campus “quad,” located between the front of the Abbey Church and the back of the administration building. Work in this area is proceeding in three phases. Cracked and undulating sidewalks are being replaced, new outdoor lighting is being installed and new sod, landscaping, outdoor benches and picnic tables will be set in place by summer’s end.

“This is a project we’ve been needing to do for a long time,” said Father Marcus Voss, director of development. “The quad is at the very heart of our campus and is a popular gathering place for our students and the many guests who come to visit the Abbey Church.”

Father Marcus continued, “It’s good to have this project underway for so many reasons. Most of the sidewalks were still aligned as if the buildings destroyed the tornado in the early 1980s were still standing. The lack of lighting at night has been an issue for our guests as they made their way from the retreat center to the dining hall. Plus, this restoration will greatly enhance the beauty of the central campus.”

Father Marcus concluded by saying, “The project is ongoing, and I cannot thank our alumni and benefactors enough for their support of this work. Their response to our summer appeal this year is making all this possible.”

Kreps Concrete Construction, LLC, of Cullman is working on this project along with the Saint Bernard Physical Plant under the direction of David Caples, plant manager. The young monks of the Abbey will be engaged to help with the landscaping phase. Thunderstorms in north Alabama have delayed progress in recent days but the construction schedule remains committed to a completion date before the opening of the school’s fall term.