Good Hope steps closer to ordinance affecting CR 437


The Good Hope City Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. (Nick Griffin for The Tribune)

GOOD HOPE – A brief public hearing for Ordinance #013-2018 kicked off Monday night’s meeting of the Good Hope City Council.

The ordinance will rezone the AGCOR Steel property from an Ag-1 Agricultural District to an M-1 Manufacturing District. The ordinance reads “Situated within the city limits of Good Hope, and lying and being in Cullman County, State of Alabama, heretofore designated as Ag-1 Agriculture District on the Zoning Map of the City of Good Hope, Alabama, and is hereby changed from Ag-1 Agriculture District to M-1 Manufacturing District.”

The council also held the second reading of Ordinance #012-2018. The ordinance, first read at the council’s last meeting, will make amendments to Ordinance #003-2012, changing the minimum distance from a church or school where alcohol can be sold.

Subsection two of the new ordinance reads as follows, “Subject to exceptions contained in this section, no facility or property shall be authorized for on-premises sale or off-premises sale of alcoholic beverages where the building in which the premises are located is less than seven hundred (700) feet from any building in which there is a church, public or private elementary, intermediate or junior high, high school or child development facility.” The original minimum distance was 1,200 feet.

The new ordinance would also change section D of the original ordinance, stating that “Where the City licensed premises is authorized for only on-premises sale of alcoholic beverages, the minimum distance between the licensed premises and a church is four hundred (400) feet.” That’s a change from the original distance of 650 feet.

The council believes the change will help spur economic development down County Road 437 east of Interstate 65, without impacting the city on the west side of I-65.

 A vote will be taken on the ordinance during the council’s next meeting on July 9.

To wrap up Monday night’s meeting, the council read over Resolution No: 014-2018. The resolution would execute Work Order No. 2 of Step No. 1 of Kendig Keast Collaborative’s “Essential and First Priority Edits.” Kendig Keast was hired by the City of Good Hope in May to help review the City’s zoning ordinance and recommend changes if necessary. The discussion on the resolution was tabled for the council’s next meeting to allow for more time to clarify some of the work order’s wording.

The Good Hope City Council’s next meeting will be July 9 at 6:30 p.m. in Good Hope City Hall.

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