Hot Days and Cool Treats: Self-Employed Cullman Ice Cream Truck Driver Chris Eady is Ready to Deliver

I’ve been in several different trucks; I’ve worked for the same company for years. I decided I wanted to work for myself, so I bought my own truck in March of this year.”
Chris Eady, Cullman Ice Cream Truck Owner

CULLMAN – Spring is just around the corner and before we know it the dog days of summer will be upon us. Outdoor activities and the hot weather can leave us craving something cold and sweet – ice cream. Thankfully, there’s a brand new ice cream truck in town. Cullman Ice Cream Truck will be hitting the streets in the very near future and children of all ages are excited!

“I’ve actually been an ice cream truck driver in this town since about 1991,” said Chris Eady, owner of Cullman Ice Cream Truck. “I took a year off last year and decided to buy my own truck and work for myself this year.”

“I’ve been in several different trucks; I’ve worked for the same company for years. I decided I wanted to work for myself, so I bought my own truck. I just finished getting it road ready. I took it out this past Saturday and Sunday to make sure I got all the ‘bugs’ worked out of it.”

“Yay! I love the ice cream truck,” said April Martin, ice cream lover. “So glad it was here at the shop the past few days getting road ready – I've enjoyed all the delicious ice cream!”

Chris plans to keep standard routes, which mean long days and happy customers. For example, during the weekdays he plans to drive around the area businesses, offering them a chance to purchase an ice cream bar during their lunch breaks. 

“We love the Cullman Ice Cream Truck! Very friendly people with a great selection,” said Beth Kibler, a happy customer. 

When schools dismiss in the afternoons, the ice cream truck will be slowly strolling the neighborhoods around East and West Elementary, as well as other places throughout town, so children can munch on an icy afternoon snack.   

In the evenings, the truck will be found still out and about offering a wide selection of cartoon character shaped goodies for the whole family to enjoy after eating dinner. Children will be able to hear the truck coming from a mile away and can run home yelling, “Ice cream truck!” just like their parents and grandparents did before them. 

“They are very nice people and it took me back to my childhood days,” smiled Michael Coggins, a customer of the beloved ice cream. 

For more information about the Cullman Ice Cream Truck, follow them on Facebook at or call them at 256-736-4451.