Holly Pond Christmas Parade Dec. 9; ‘Cards in the Park’ through Dec. 31


Holly Pond’s annual Christmas Parade will take place on Saturday, Dec. 9. / Tribune file photo, 2016

HOLLY POND – In cooperation with the merchants of Holly Pond and the Town of Holly Pond, the Holly Pond Civitans are sponsoring this year’s Christmas Cards in the Park. Various merchants, school, church and civic groups, as well as individuals, created giant Christmas greeting “cards,” which are being displayed at Governor’s Park in Holly Pond from Dec. 1-31.

The annual Holly Pond Christmas Parade is this Saturday, Dec. 9 at 3:30 p.m. The parade will end at Governor’s Park, where the Holly Pond Chorus will perform a program of Christmas favorites. There will be refreshments, music and of course, Santa.

In addition, as a part of this event, the walking paths in the park will be lined with luminaries, each with the name of someone remembered or honored by a family or individual. Luminaries are being sold at various Holly Pond merchants with the proceeds to benefit the Holly Pond Civitan Scholarship fund. 

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