Hunting eggs, finding joy at Field of Miracles

W.C. Mann

Egg hunters bring in their baskets for counting Wednesday at the Field of Miracles.

CULLMAN – It was a day of joy at the Field of Miracles, as Cullman Parks and Recreation’s (CP&R) Therapeutic Recreation Program hosted its annual special needs Easter egg hunt with the Cullman Miracle League.  The popular event is an Easter tradition for many and has been happening now for more than 10 years.

On Wednesday, the grass on one ball field was strewn with over brightly colored eggs for participants to gather, and each person received baskets and treat bags.  More than 50 participants gathered eggs with the help of volunteer buddies, then returned to the center pavilion to count their hauls and get prizes.

CP&R’s Britney Heron, who oversaw the event, shared, “We put out over 1000 Easter eggs for the Miracle League to hunt for.  We also have 100 gold eggs we spread out through the field, that have dollar bills, five dollar bills, different kinds of prizes.  We also give them Easter baskets for them to hunt with.  We also give out big prizes, as well as other prizes, depending on how many eggs they get; and we give them hot dogs, chips and a drink.”

The top seven egg hunters got special recognition and their choice of big prizes like stuffed animals and gift baskets.  The top finishers were:

  1. Stormi Brock – 83
  2. Tyler Branon – 80
  3. Immanuel Jackson – 68
  4. Brad Lamar – 66
  5. Christy Brown – 61
  6. Elizabeth Box – 59
  7. Brittany Duncan – 54

For more information about the Therapeutic Recreation Program or the Miracle League, contact Kelly Pulliam at 256-734-9157 or

About the Miracle League:

There is something about playing the game that lights up a person’s eyes.  But for children and adults facing serious physical and mental disabilities that opportunity can often be difficult to achieve.  Baseball diamonds weren’t exactly designed with wheelchairs and crutches in mind.

The Miracle League removes the barriers that keep children with mental and physical disabilities off the baseball field and lets them experience the joy of America’s favorite pastime. Since the main barriers for these adults arise from the natural grass fields used in conventional leagues, Miracle League teams play on a custom-designed, rubberized turf field that accommodates wheelchairs and other assertive devices while helping to prevent injuries.

But it’s more than playing a game. The Miracle League is about making new friends, building self-esteem and being treated just like other athletes.  To help the athletes, the Miracle League uses a “buddy” system – pairing each player with an able-bodied peer.  The result is a bond that cannot be described. The Miracle League serves children and adults who suffer from any physical or mental disabilities, which causes them to be excluded, whether intentionally or not, from conventional Baseball leagues.

Visit for more information.

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