Cullman County Child Development Center Class of 2017


The Cullman County Child Development Center held its graduation ceremony on Thursday, May 18 in the CDC gym.

“The day of graduation marks a special time of completion and beginning in a person's life. The CDC graduates, parents, CDC faculty and staff should feel a sense of great pride and take time to enjoy this time. So many people have made this graduation day possible. We want to wish the graduates good luck in their future but also say thank you to all that helped make this day of graduation possible. At the CDC, we celebrate the little things as well as the big and graduation is a special day of recognition of all that made a difference.”
Principal Christopher Chambers

Back row, (left to right): Cody Johnson, Garrett Watson, Xena Postulka and Jonah Thompson.

Front row, (left to right): Justin Fenner, Karsyn McWaters and Miranda Anthony. 

(Photo Courtesy of Teresa Fincher)

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